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Annual Fire Alarm Inspections Scheduled


In coordination with SLU’s Department of Public Safety, Simplex Grinnell will be performing annual fire alarm inspections on the schedule below.

The majority of each inspection will take place silently. However, by code, all audible fire alarms in SLU buildings must be tested. The audible portions of the tests will be performed at the end of each inspection for four to five minutes in order to minimize the disturbance the sounds could cause. These audible tests will consist of the building horns and strobe lights going off while the inspectors walk the buildings to ensure all alarms are sounding properly.

Inspections may take place over more than one day. The schedule of tests could vary by a day or two in some cases.

The complete schedule of inspections is as follows:

For more information, contact Darren Gaertner or call 314-977-3512.