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'Living St. Louis with Margaret Atwood' Premieres on Oct. 9


KETC Ch. 9 will air a half-hour special on the St. Louis Literary Award ceremony and a conversation with this year's honoree, Margaret Atwood, on Monday, Oct. 9 at 9 p.m.

The St. Louis University Library Associates selected the Canadian author for this year's award and presented it to her at a ceremony at the Sheldon Concert Hall on Sept. 19.

Margaret Atwood

Canadian author Margaret Atwood was honored by the Saint Louis University Library Associates last month and spoke on SLU's campus. Submitted photo

On receiving her award on Sept. 19, Atwood joined a 50-year list of acclaimed writers, from Tennessee Williams to Joan Didion.

Following the award ceremony, Atwood spoke at the Anheuser-Busch Auditorium in SLU's Cook Hall on Sept. 20.

To learn more about Atwood's appearance on "Living St. Louis," visit Nine PBS.