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New Tool to Help Researchers Disclose Outside Interests


SLU's research, patient care and administrative communities will be able to utilize a new system, InfoED, to complete the required disclosure and review process for three conflict of interest (COI) policies.

The Office of the Vice President for Research and University Compliance Office have identified about 2,500 individuals affected by SLU’s research, clinical and/or institutional COI policies. Those individuals have been contacted through their SLU email addresses via an invitation to use the new system to electronically submit their 2017 Outside Interest Disclosures (OIDs).

With the new system in place, several changes to the disclosure and review process are now in effect including:

Those individuals who receive a notification to complete a request for an Outside Interest Disclosure are required to complete the form, regardless of whether or not the person has any outside interests.

This year’s disclosure forms must be completed by Nov. 17. Individuals required to submit a disclosure can access the needed form by visiting the link sent through email or through the “InfoEd” button in MySLU’s Tools section. 

For questions or more information about COI policies, more information about an individual's responsibilities related to those policies, or to comment about the InfoED Outside Interest Disclosure process, contact