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SLU's Campus Kitchen Seeks Donations for Thanksgiving Meals


The SLU Campus Kitchen is collecting for TurkeyPalooza, the annual food drive to bring Thanksgiving meals to hundreds of clients in need.

Students make meals in Campus Kitchen during a previous Make a Difference Day

Students make meals in Campus Kitchen during a previous Make a Difference Day. SLU photo

On Wednesday, Nov. 15 and Thursday, Nov. 16, Thanksgiving meal items can be dropped off at the Campus Kitchen, located on the main floor of the Reinert Residence Hall between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. or arrangements can be made to have volunteers pick items from SLU offices.

To schedule a pickup or for questions, call 314- 977-3881 or email SLU’s Campus Kitchen.

For a complete list of the items needed, visit the Campus Kitchen Facebook page.