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An Evening Reflection on the Day's Events

Dear members of the SLU community,

Today was an emotional day for our city and for our campus.  
During the course of the day, I had the opportunity to listen to our faculty, staff, and students, and as you might imagine, I heard different things. Some went about their business without thinking much about the verdict, accepting the outcome and the process that led to it.  
From others in our community, however, I heard pain, hurt, anger, and grief over the acquittal. I heard their frustration was not solely about this particular outcome, but also about the complex historical and systemic injustice that makes them feel unwelcome.  
Further, I heard that while some felt the increased presence of public safety officers made them feel safer, others felt decidedly less safe because of the identities they hold. 
Over the weekend, I urge all of us to listen to each other — to consider how our individual realities, our safety, and our livelihood may look different from those with whom we go to classes, work alongside, or sit next to as we worship. Only when we attempt to see the world through the eyes of others who are unlike us can we begin to accomplish the difficult work that needs to be done in order to heal the wounds that were once again reopened. 
The administrative team and I have monitored the overall situation in our region. We will continue to do so. As I shared earlier, activities for the weekend will continue as planned. We will notify you if this changes, and key updates will be posted to SLU social media. 
Fred P. Pestello, Ph.D. 