Reinert Center Celebrates 20 Years of Serving SLU Educators
The Paul C. Reinert, S.J. Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning celebrated its 20th anniversary on Aug. 30 as part of its annual open house to welcome new SLU faculty.
The event was held in the Pius XII Memorial Library, where the Reinert Center is located, and featured remarks by University Provost, Nancy Brickhouse, Ph.D., Mary L. Stephen, Ph.D., former director of the Reinert Center, and Sue Tebb, Ph.D., professor of social work. James H. Korn, Ph.D., professor emeritus in psychology and a founding member of the Center and many members of the SLU community attended.
The Reinert Center – known simply as the Center for Teaching Excellence at its outset – was formally established as a teaching center in 1997, through the efforts of a small, dedicated group of faculty and the support of the late Don Brennan, Ph.D., who served as dean of SLU’s Graduate School at the time. Dean Brennan had launched an informal “teaching resource room” five years earlier to support graduate students in their growth as future teachers. In 2001, the Center was named in honor of Paul Reinert, S.J., longtime SLU president.
Since its inception, the Reinert Center has been committed to a mission to “develop, encourage, and sustain SLU faculty and graduate students . . . as they seek to find their own direction, meaning, and pedagogical style in the context of Jesuit traditions of education,” as found in its mission statement. Center staff members work with individual instructors and academic units as they seek to create engaging, transformative learning experiences for SLU students.
To learn more, visit the Reinert Center.