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Scholarly Writing Workshops Offered


Katie Linder, Ph.D., an expert on academic writing and writing productivity, will lead two sessions of her workshop, “Creating and Maintaining a Scholarly Writing Pipeline,” on Sept. 27.

The workshop will focus on providing participants with the tools they need to create and maintain an ongoing scholarship writing pipeline for articles, books, grant proposals and conference proposals. The workshop is for scholars at any stage of an academic career.

Linder is an avid writer and researcher with a passion for process and peeking behind the scenes at what it takes to be a successful academic. Currently, she hosts two weekly solo podcasts, “You’ve Got This,” and “The Anatomy of a Book,” and a weekly interview-based podcast, “Research in Action.” She also writes a weekly essay series. Her most recent book is The Blended Course Design Workbook: A Practical Guide. Linder serves as the director of the Oregon State University Ecampus Research Unit and an associate editor for The International Journal for Academic Development.

Participants will receive suggestions, presentations on the latest research on writing productivity and strategies for balancing writing projects with academic life during the school year.

The workshop is open to faculty members and graduate students. The first session will be held from 10 to 11:30 a.m., Sept. 27, in Boileau Hall and from 3:30 to 5 p.m., in the Third Floor Multi-Purpose Room, Allied Health Building. 

Registration for the workshops is available here.

Linder will also hold a limited number of one-on-one consultations for faculty in addition to the workshops. One-on-one sessions are not available for graduate students. Consultations will last approximately 25 minutes, and will be scheduled on a first come, first served basis. Reservations are required.

The workshops are co-sponsored by the Office of the Provost, the Reinert Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning and the Office of the Vice President of Research.