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Message from President Pestello on the 2018-2019 Tuition and Fee Rates

I write to share the approved tuition and fee rates for the 2018-2019 academic year (FY19). Below is a short summary with key information.

Each year, the board of trustees approves the University budget at its May meeting. Prior to final approval, the trustees discuss and approve the University student financial aid allocation, tuition rates, and fee increases for the following year. This occurs at the February trustee meeting and guides University leadership in forming the overall budget that is presented in May. It also gives us the opportunity to inform students and families. 

This year, the board approved the following increase for the 2018-2019 academic year: 

For the full list of next year’s rates, please click here

To assist with the cost of attendance, the board also approved a total of $168 million for merit scholarships and need-based aid, which supports current student aid packages and first year student financial aid. Since 2014, we have raised over $66 million for scholarships, and more than $18 million of this is part of the Go-Further Initiative, by which scholarship donations are matched by the University. Eighty-eight percent of the total raised is awarded on the basis of need.

When considering University leadership’s proposal, the trustees engage in thoughtful, data-informed discussions regarding external and internal pressures on SLU, the priorities of the University in serving its students, and the cost of attendance at our peer institutions. These adjustments will allow us to continue to offer a high quality, Jesuit education with the campus resources necessary to deliver it. 

I understand the cost of higher education is significant. For most students and families, it requires great sacrifice. As a first-generation college student myself, I take this seriously. The faculty and staff at SLU work diligently to deliver an incredible experience to our students, worthy of the investment you are making in a SLU education. This is demonstrated by the fact that 96% of SLU’s 2017 bachelor’s degree recipients indicated they were seeking advanced education or satisfactorily employed and earning an average salary of $44,642. (76% survey response rate) 

You have our pledge that we will continue to be conscientious stewards of our resources including your tuition dollars. 


Fred P. Pestello, Ph.D.