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Atlas Week Event Submissions Sought


The upcoming Marilyn and Sam Fox Atlas Week is seeking event submissions from the SLU community. This year's theme is "This Place That We Come From: Moving Through Our Untold Experiences." ABC News correspondent John Quiñones, the host of "What Would You Do?" has been selected as the week's keynote speaker.

Atlas Week 2018 Parade

Atlas Week 2019 will begin at the end of March 2019 and run through the first week of April. Photo by Ellen Hutti

Atlas Week is slated to begin on Saturday, March 30, and to end on Saturday, April 6, 2019.

SLU faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to host events during ATLAS Week. The deadline to submit an event is Saturday, Feb 9, 2019. To submit an event as a student, fill out this form.

Faculty and staff members can propose events here.

For more information about Atlas Week, contact Luella Loseille.