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Deck DuBourg's Halls with Boughs of Holly: SLU Celebrates the Season


Student Financial Services held a door decorating contest to mark the holidays. Photo by Jennifer Heintz Launch SlideshowStudent Financial Services held a door decorating contest to mark the holidays. Photo by Jennifer Heintz

We’ve been decking the halls of DuBourg with holly and creating winter wonderlands in Wool Center.

Billikens have been painting holiday masterpieces at the Simon Recreation Center, and making Christmas works of art with the Student Activities Board.

SLU-Madrid’s singers have been leading carols while staff members construct snowmen of ingenious materials.

From Christmas on the Quad to Pre-Kwanzaa remembrances of those dear to us, the SLU community has been busy creating a happy holiday season across the University as 2018 draws to a close.

Newslink would like to thank all those who submitted their photos filled with holiday spirit for this story. The Division of University Marketing and Communications wishes the SLU community a joyful, peaceful and hopeful Christmas and happy New Year!