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Information Technology Services Division Completes IT Transformation


Saint Louis University’s strategic plan calls for SLU to provide students — and those who teach and support them — with state-of-the art resources and environments that facilitate learning and prepare students for success in an increasingly technological workplace. The plan also calls for the University to harness powerful technologies to expand opportunities for faculty research, to promote global education efforts and to extend SLU’s educational reach.

Since January 2017, the University’s Division of Information Technology Services (ITS) has been engaged in a top-to-bottom review of its operations. The goal was to move ITS to a new model of delivering services in a highly cost-effective manner, while working to maintain or improve quality of those services. Over time, cost savings will be reinvested into innovative campus technologies that will benefit students, faculty, researchers and staff.

A little more than a year later, the ITS division has completed its transformation. The changes included reorganization, centralization, some position eliminations and the engagement of external partners to manage and support certain IT services.

These efforts were completed in several phases:

Phase 1: On-Site and Telephone Support (March 2017)

Phase 2: Project Management and Infrastructure Operations (June – August 2017)

Phase 3: Audio/Visual Technology, Clinical IT and Applications (October 2017 – February 2018)

For a look at the division’s new structure, an updated version of the ITS organizational chart is available in the Tools tab of

While all requests and issues should be reported first to the ITS Service Desk at 314-977-4000, or through the IT Service Desk tile on MySLU, the following individuals can be contacted if a request or issue needs to be escalated:

Next week, David Hakanson, vice President, CIO and chief innovation officer, will hold three open forums to provide an overview of the IT transformation. He will also solicit feedback from the SLU community about technology services and support. The open forums are scheduled as follows:

Individuals who are unable to attend one of the forums can email feedback directly to him at