Newslink Begins Re-Design Process
As of the Wednesday, Jan. 3 edition, Newslink will begin introducing changes to its published editions as part of a redesign initiative aimed at improving SLU's nearly 20-year-old newsletter. The planned updates will move the newsletter to a mobile-friendly format while continuing to provide the SLU community with key University news, events and feature stories highlighting SLU’s unique, compelling stories.
The redesign process will be ongoing throughout the rest of the academic year and summer.
January’s changes include:
- The format of the Start-of-Week, Mid-Week and End-of-Week events section will be different. To allow for more flexibility in case of event time or space changes, times and locations will no longer be included in the Newslink edition. That information will be available in the linked calendar listing, which is updatable beyond Newslink’s deadline times.
- In honor of the SLU’s bicentennial, Newslink will take readers back through time with its new Bicentennial Look Back Section. This new feature will include “on this day” trivia items from SLU’s history that correspond to each day of 2018 in the lead-up to the University’s 200th birthday on Nov. 16. For more information about the celebration, visit SLU’s bicentennial page.
- Linked graphics for Chaifetz Arena and Billiken Athletics events have been replaced by linked text for those interested in catching up on shows coming to Chaifetz Arena and the latest news and SLU’s sports schedules.
Newslink’s submission guidelines remain in effect. Further updates and changes will be announced as they take effect throughout the year.
For more information or for questions, contact Newslink or call 314-977-2519.