ITS Instates New Central Policy System
A new policy system has been implemented to permit all members of the University community to have access to a central repository of University policies.
The new policy system is called PolicyStat and can be accessed through the following steps:
- Step. 1 Log in to the mySLU portal at
- Step 2. Click on the “Tools” tab.
- Step 3. Click on the “SLU Policies” icon.
- Step 4. Policies can be searched by name, title, department or policy owner.
- Step 5. Tutorials can be found by clicking on the “help” button in the upper right-hand corner.
Not all University policies have been uploaded to the site yet. The system will be updated with more policies over the coming months as the University begins to migrate more policies into the system.
If you have any issues accessing the policy system, contact the ITS service desk at 314-977-4000 or