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ITS Announces New Tech Disposal Policy


In order to ensure the secure disposal of SLU owned computers, Information Technology Services (ITS) is implementing a new policy on disposing of University technology.

Under the new policy, ITS staff members must be notified to pick up technology including desktop computers, lap tops, and tablets that are ready for disposal or individuals can drop off the technology at a secure location.

For individuals who wish to drop off a computing device themselves, an IT representative will be available at the times and locations below.

Drop Off Schedule

The first computer drop off date for University-owned computers will take place on Wednesday, July 18.

An IT representative will be present at the locations during the times indicated below to receive SLU-owned computer assets.  This drop-off will occur monthly on the third Wednesday of each month.

To schedule a pickup- please submit a ticket through the Service Desk portal.

This process is only for University owned technology and is separate from e-Recycle day that is hosted by Facility Services. University owned technology should not be dropped off at e-Recycle day.

ITS asks that personally-owned technology not be dropped off at the ITS locations.

If you have any questions regarding the process please contact the Information Security Team.

To read the full disposal policy, click here.