Library Begins 'Bird-Friendly' Initiative
While the soaring windows of Pius XII Memorial Library offer stunning views to patrons, they pose a serious risk to birds flying nearby. This summer, in an effort to prevent avian injuries, the library and its staff are asking for visitors' help to "bird-proof" the library's windows.
Each year many birds die after striking Pius’ windows. The problem with glass is that it’s reflective. The birds see the surrounding landscape reflected in the glass and think their path is unimpeded.
“Those of us who sit by windows have witnessed bird strikes many times firsthand,” Edgar Thomas, senior library associate, said. “You'd have to be pretty jaded not to want to help in some way.”
According to Dean David Cassens, library staff members and other SLU community members have found injured or dead birds ranging from hummingbirds to bigger flyers like dowitchers. Birds following their annual migration routes seem to be at greater risk as well, Cassens observed.
The library’s staff researched options to make the building’s windows less of a hazard and settled on decals that are silhouettes of birds of prey. Other birds think the decals are predators and avoid flying near them, preventing potential injury and death from window strikes in the process.
“I think it exemplifies the Jesuit mission – being good stewards of God's creatures as well as the environment,” Thomas said. “Individuals moved by compassion coming together to make a difference.”
Stations have been set up near the Einstein’s Bagel Co. location in the library. The library is hoping to crowd source making the decals and that visitors will contribute to the effort. According to Thomas, the goal is to have at least six bird of prey decals affixed per window. Adding decals to the library’s upper stories may also be a possibility at a later date.
Patrons can give the silhouettes they cut out to library staff members who will then hang them up. Any visitor to Pius can participate.
To make a bird of prey decal or for more information about the effort, visit the Pius XII Memorial Library.