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New Information Security Awareness Training Requirement Launches


On Monday, June 11, SLU staff and faculty members will find a new Security Awareness Training requirement available on the Home tab in mySLU.

The new compliance requirement is part of Information Technology Services’ Security and Compliance team’s Information Security Awareness Training program. The program’s objective is to reduce risk to the University by educating the community on how to protect the University's data, network and other IT resources.

The new requirement can be completed by clicking on the link available in mySLU that will direct users to a five to seven-minute module in SkillSoft, “Outwitting Spear Phishers.” The module has a pre-test that allows users to test out of the training. 

Users must complete the training by Saturday, Aug. 11.

Additional information and answers to some commonly asked questions about the training are available on the IT Security Training page, under “Information Security.” For more information or questions, contact