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Campus Dialogue Grant Team Announces Inclusion Recommendations


Through a recently-completed grant, the Paul C. Reinert, S.J. Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning and grant team have announced new recommendations for future action to advance inclusion at SLU, particularly in the area of teaching and learning.

As announced in the spring of 2017, the Reinert Center was awarded a Campus Dialogue Grant from the Bringing Theory to Practice project, a partner of the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU).

Throughout 2017, the grant supported a team of campus stakeholders to consider two guiding questions: “What would it look like if all formal learning experiences at SLU were intentionally designed for inclusion?” and “What would it take to get there?”

The team ultimately developed a set of recommendations for concrete actions that could advance inclusive learning in the classroom and diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives more broadly.

Recommendations range in scope from increasing instructors’ knowledge of and skills for creating inclusive learning environments inside the classroom to bringing a diversity, equity and inclusion lens to all institutional planning.

The recommendations have been shared with University leadership and are now being made public for all campus stakeholders to consider. The final report may be read here.

Core Dialogue Group Members

For questions or more information about the grant, contact Debie Lohe, Ph.D., director of the Reinert Center.