Ignatian Lunch to Focus on Dialogue
The spring Ignatian Lunch, “The Ignatian Gift of Dialogue,” is set for 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, March 22, in the ballroom of St. Francis Xavier College Church. The lunch’s theme is on Ignatian views of dialogue.
In the current culture of “fake news” and polarization, people are left asking, what ever happened to the art of dialogue? Ignatius Loyola advised his followers 470 years ago about the skill and power of dialogue. He counseled them to be slow of speech and considerate, to pay attention to the whole person and to give conversation the time it needs. Those attending the lunch will consider the Ignatian gift of dialogue and what it can bring to the workday and world.
There is no charge, but reservations are required.
The lunch is sponsored by the Office of Mission and Identity.