Clear Clutter, Invest in Environment at SLU Recycling Drive
Jeanette Grider
Senior Media Relations Specialist
Reserved for members of the media.
Saint Louis University will hold its annual E-Waste and ShredMania event from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 28. SLU public safety officers will also be on hand to collect unwanted medications.
The drive is sponsored by SLU’s Facilities Services Division in partnership with the Midwest Recycling Center (MRC) and Shred-It. The event is part of the University’s SLUstainability program in conjunction with the 2018 Recyclemania competition (an intercollegiate recycling competition between regional and national colleges and universities).
Help SLU meet its goal to take first place in the electronic competition of Recyclemania. Last year, SLU took third place in the nation during the competition, collecting nearly 124,000 pounds -- or over 60 tons -- of electronic equipment.
Everything from cell phones to bread machines to old water heaters can be recycled. Certain items may have a fee associated with them. Visit the MRC website for a full list of items that can be recycled, including those with fees.
In addition to the e-waste collection, the day also includes ShredMania, a shredding event designed to maximize the amount of paper that can be recycled during the RecycleMania competition.
This year, officers from SLU’s Department of Public Safety will be on site to collect expired, unwanted, or unused pharmaceutical controlled substances and other medications for destruction. Following are some guidelines for the take-back day:
- Controlled, non-controlled, and over the counter substances will be collected.
- This event is for patients and their families to dispose of unwanted prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
- Any solid dosage form pharmaceutical products (tablets, capsules, etc.) in consumer containers may be accepted.
- Small (pint size) bottles of cough syrups may be disposed of if properly sealed.
- Illicit substances such as marijuana or heroin are not a part of this initiative and are prohibited.
- No needles
- No inhalers and other compressed air cylinders.
Items can be dropped off for at the Fred Weber Parking Lot adjacent to Chaifetz Arena, 1 S. Compton Avenue. Volunteers will be available to help unload donations.