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Study on Bicultural Identity Seeks Interviewees


A doctoral student in the School of Education is seeking participants for a research study, “Exploring Acculturation and Bicultural Identity Among Second-Generation Asian Indian American (AIA) Undergraduates: A Phenomenological Analysis.”

Participants should be:

Participants will receive a $10 gift card to Starbucks.

Interviews will start tentatively in early June. The interviews will be audio-recorded and will last between 45-60 minutes. Participants will be asked their identities and about their socialization experiences in higher education.

Those interested in volunteering should contact Heba Mostafa, with their approval to set up an interview time. This could be just a brief statement communicating the person’s willingness to participate.

For questions or more information, call 336-501-8140.

The Institutional Review Board protocol for the study is #29135 and it was approved on May 22, 2018.

For questions about your rights as a research participant, call the Saint Louis University Institutional Review Board at 314-977-7744 and reference IRB # 29135.

For additional information check the recruitment letter.

Mostafa is advised by Rina Chittooran, Ph.D.