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Business Services Rolling Out New Contract Management System


Business Services Announces the rollout of Agiloft Contract Management System (CMS). The University recently purchased the new contract management system (CMS) to streamline the intake, approval and execution of University contracts.

After an extensive RFP process, with stakeholders from SLUCare, the Divisions of Academic Affairs, Business and Finance, the Office of General Counsel, and Information Technology Services, Agiloft was been selected to provide the software and implementation support for SLU’s contract management system. 

The system will provide:

The CMS implementation team has been working with our provider on the development and implementation of the system.  There will be a phased rollout of the new system. Agiloft training sessions will be provided by the Business Services department. Individual units will be contacted regarding training dates.

Current Trainings Schedule

More information, including the user guide, can be found by visiting Business and Finance.

For CMS project questions or more information, contact Ellen Borowiak contracts program manager, or call 314-977-7045.