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200-Years-in-One Challenge Closing in on Goal

Saint Louis University’s effort to log more than 1.75 million service hours during its bicentennial year is nearing its goal of 200 years in one year. And the milestone will come more than a month before the challenge officially closes on Nov. 14.

With the clock now at more than 195 years, planners expect the entry that tips the clock over the 200-year mark will occur late this week.


SLU's 200 Years in One Clock is nearing 200 years.

Log Hours and Win

To encourage participation, prizes will be awarded to those who help reach the milestone, including:

More than 3,000 individuals, SLU’s Center for Service and Community Engagement and other partners have contributed hours to the challenge.

It’s not too late to get involved. Enter your service hours online at, or download the app via that site to log your hours from your mobile device.

The final total for the 200-Years-in-One Challenge will be announced at a special event at 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 15, at the clock on the southeast corner of Grand and Lindell boulevards.