Flying Billikens Find Success at Safecon Regional Competition
The Flying Billikens, Saint Louis University's Flight Team, had a successful year at the Safecon Regional Competition hosted by the National Intercollegiate Flight Association.
With the help of their coach Jack Schwarz, the Flying Billikens placed fourth overall in the region. Awards included:
- Alec Albright and Mike Waters competed in traditional navigation and received first place.
- Jakob Omen received third place in the flight simulator event.
- Alec Albright received third place in the simulated comprehensive aircraft navigation event.
- Jimmy Garrity and Grace Workman received fourth place while Holly Wilson and Mike Waters received seventh place in the message drop event.
- Mathew Delancey received fifth place in aircraft recognition.
- Alec Albright received eighth place in computer accuracy.
- Robert McRath placed tenth in short field landing.