Office of Mission and Identity Announces 2018 Mission Priority Examen Dates
Over the course of the fall semester, Saint Louis University's Office of Mission and Identity is coordinating a set of both small group and larger open sessions to engage students, faculty, staff, alumni and others to reflect on how SLU is living out its mission as a Jesuit and Catholic University.
This process comes as member institutions of the American Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU) direct a Mission Priority Examen, which asks the community to consider how it has lived the Jesuit Catholic mission and how it desires to live the mission in the future.
Register for an Open Session
In addition to smaller examen sessions which have been taking place this fall, open sessions for the University community will take place over the following weeks. All students, faculty and staff are invited to participate.
You are encouraged to register for one of the following dates:
- October 31 from 3-4 p.m. in the Busch Student Center
Register For This Session - November 5 from 12-1 p.m. in the Health Sciences Education Union (This session will be a brown
bag lunch, desserts and beverages will be provided.)
Register For This Session - November 14 from 12-1 p.m. in Pere Marquette Gallery (This session will be a brown bag lunch,
desserts and beverages will be provided.)
Register For This Session - November 14 from 4-5 p.m. in the Allied Health Multipurpose Room
Register For This Session
Open sessions will take approximately 45 minutes and will include an introduction to the Mission Priority Examen and small group activities to gather your insights regarding the two key sets of questions listed below.
The Mission Priority Examen
The Mission Priority Examen is a self-directed process, utilizing conversational and communal approaches to engage members of our community in exploring two key sets of questions.
- Gratitude: First, members of the community reflect on the ways that individuals, departments, teams, colleagues and the University as a whole have engaged the Jesuit Catholic mission of SLU. What are they grateful for? What do they value? What is working well?
- Aspirations and Hope: Second, members of the community are asked to reflect on ways they would like to foster growth — in their work, as a student or in a department or team, and as the University as a whole — so that SLU may live its mission more fully and work toward the greater good. What are their aspirations and hopes?
For more information on or questions about the Mission Priority Examen, contact SLU's Office of Mission and Identity at 314-977-7065 or