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Resources Available to Help SLU Voters


Are you ready to vote? 

Tuesday, Nov. 6, is Election Day. There are several non-partisan voting guides, including Vote 411, which will help locate polling places and provide a list of acceptable forms of identification.  Students can use their SLU IDs to vote in Missouri.

Polls in Missouri are open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Students who are registered with their campus address can vote in the Saint Louis Room in Busch Student Center. 

For students who live near campus, beginning at 2 p.m., the Center for Service and Community Engagement will provide free shuttles to local polling places. 

Sign up here or contact Leah Sweetman for additional information. 

If you experience any problems at the polls, call the Election Day hotline at 1-866-OUR VOTE.