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Volunteers Sought for Exercise Study

Edward Weiss, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, and graduate student Gerald Ernat are seeking volunteers for a research study involving endurance performance and lower body strength training.

The purpose of the study is to investigate if high repetition lower extremity strength training improves endurance exercise performance. Volunteers must be endurance trained, aged 18-50 years of age, non-resistance trained (lower body strength training three-plus days/week), free of cardiovascular/musculoskeletal diseases, free of any medical conditions preventing volunteers from running and/or strength training, and non- tobacco users.

Volunteers must be able to commit to up to five hours of time over the course of six weeks to participate in the study.

Research will be conducted in the SLU Allied Health Building.

Contact Gerald S. Ernat at 815-303-3577 or

IRB # 28759