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Homecoming, Family Weekend 2018: A Grand Celebration

Did you know that Homecoming and Family Weekend is open to all of our SLU family? Faculty and staff are not only welcome to attend, but are encouraged to join University students, parents and alums to celebrate this bicentennial homecoming weekend, Sept. 27-30.


The golf cart parade is an annual Homecoming tradition. SLU file photo.

In fact, all faculty and staff receive complimentary registration for the inaugural faculty, staff and student Homecoming Kick-off Tailgate on Friday, Sept. 28, and for the weekend’s signature event on Saturday, Sept. 29, A Grand Celebration.

Homecoming Tailgate Kick-off

Join fellow members of the SLU community on Friday, Sept. 28, outside of McGannon Hall. To commemorate SLU’s bicentennial anniversary, students, faculty, and staff will have the first opportunity to help complete a large paint-by-number mural covering nearly 3,000 square feet.

SLU students worked with renowned muralist Grace McCammond to design the largest public art project in University history.

A complimentary lunch will be provided from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for the first 500 faculty and staff registrants. SLU's catering partner, Sodexo, as well as the offices of Mission and Identity and Alumni and Donor Engagement, will provide the meal. Click here to sign up for lunch or register for a painting slot.

In the afternoon, from 2-5 p.m., popcorn and Gus' Pretzels will be available for students as they work on the mural.

A Grand Celebration

On Saturday, Sept. 29, join the University community to celebrate SLU’s 200th anniversary with a special street festival. This unique event will close Grand Boulevard to mark the University’s milestone year with live music, food for purchase and a variety of fun activities for all ages.

The evening will cap off with SLU’s signature Homecoming and Family Weekend fireworks display. View the full homecoming schedule

To receive comlimentary registration for both of these events, visit