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James H. Korn Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award

The Reinert Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning is pleased to invite nominations for the 2018 James H. Korn Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award.

One of the goals of the Reinert Center is to promote faculty inquiry and scholarly research on teaching and learning. In 2006, the Center established the James H. Korn Award for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in recognition of Psychology Professor Emeritus James Korn’s many contributions to research on teaching and learning. One award of $500 is given to the home department of the awardee(s) to be used as professional development funds for the awardee(s).

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) involves researching questions about teaching activities and student learning by formally studying the teaching and learning activities of one’s course; answering those questions by assessing student learning and effectiveness of teaching strategies; and publicly sharing results of this inquiry in a setting that invites peer review, such as a publication or conference presentation.

Award Criteria

To Nominate Yourself or a Colleague

Please email or mail the following information to Mary Cook, Paul C. Reinert, S.J. Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning, 2nd Floor, Pius Library. The deadline for nominations is Friday, Sept. 28.

  1. Name(s), contact information, and brief CV (including a brief list of pertinent scholarly work) of person(s) nominated for the award. Please include email address and academic department.
  2. Representative examples (no more than five) of the nominee’s research/scholarship on teaching and learning (e.g. published articles, conference presentations). Please do not include PowerPoint slides.
  3. Name and contact information of the person making the nomination.

The awardee(s) will be honored at a ceremony concluding the Reinert Center's Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Symposium on Friday, Nov. 2.