Call for Abstracts - American Physician Scientist Association Midwest Regional Meeting
Saint Louis University School of Medicine will be hosting the American Physician Scientist Association (APSA) Midwest Regional Meeting on Saturday, Oct. 20.
Abstracts for research posters are being accepted from students at all levels education and other non-student trainees (ex: postdocs, residents, fellows). The deadline to submit an abstract is Sunday, Oct. 7.
Research posters will automatically be entered into a judging competition with cash prizes for the winners. Posters will be arranged into several categories based off judges' expertise:
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Pathology
- Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
- Pharmacology and Physiology
- Clinical Research
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- Abstracts should have a maximum of 300 words
- Please try to keep your poster around 30'' X 40'' in size
- To submit an abstract please visit the meeting website and click the link "Register now for FREE!"