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Core Prototypes Available for Community Feedback


The University Undergraduate Core Committee (UUCC) has announced that three prototypes for a SLU common undergraduate core are now available for the SLU community for review and provide feedback.

The committee developed the prototypes to spark a campus-wide conversation about the benefits and tradeoffs of different approaches to a common core.

On Friday, Feb. 1, the UUCC began reviewing core designs submitted by members of the SLU community. The committee received 11 complete core submissions and 28 core component submissions. The submissions represent the work of 82 individual participants, including undergraduate and graduate students, staff members, faculty members and administrators.

Between Friday, Feb. 1 and Friday, April 5, the UUCC reviewed all core design submissions, split in the submissions into three working groups and developed three distinct core prototypes upon which all members of the SLU’s faculty, students and staff could offer feedback.


These three prototypes are draft models, and are not final. Each prototype focuses on different community values and priorities.

The committee notes that no one prototype, by itself, will be SLU’s final core. It is possible that none of the prototypes, as currently conceptualized, will be fully workable for SLU.

Once SLU community members have reviewed the prototypes, the committee is requesting feedback through a survey for each of the draft models.

The survey is available here.

Prototype Review Feedback Questions

The UUCC will also hold open feedback sessions and brown bag discussion throughout the month of April. Check with your college / school / unit for dates and times.

For larger questions, comments or concerns about the UUCC’s work, use the core feedback form.