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Billiken Bounty Seeks Donations


Billiken Bounty re-opens for fall on Monday, Sept. 9, and the University’s student-led, student-staffed campus food resource center needs donations to help it continue to provide a sustainable on-campus resource to help alleviate food insecurity among our students at SLU.

Billiken Bounty

(From left) Junior Jake Styve, Dean of Students Mona Hicks, Ed.D., and junior Rachel Heafner, await shoppers browsing the shelves of SLU's new student food resource, Billiken Bounty. Photo by Amelia Flood

Needed Donations

Donations can be delivered during business hours at the Dean of Students Office in Busch Student Center 356. Billiken Bounty is located in Room 311, BSC.

For questions or more information, contact