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Submit Your Holiday Photos to Newslink


With the holiday season soon upon us, Newslink is seeking photo submissions from the SLU community showing the celebrations, good cheer, and good will that abound as the campus gets into the holiday spirit.

Alumni Office with Santa at 2018's Christmas on the Quad

Members of the Office of Alumni Engagement gather with Santa Claus in a photo submitted to the 2018 SLU Holiday Photo Story. Photo by Luke Yamnitz

The submissions will be part of an end-of-semester photo story that will be published in the Friday, Dec. 20 Newslink edition.

Submissions may also be shared on SLU’s social media accounts.

Submissions must be received by noon on Thursday, Dec. 19, to be considered for inclusion in the story.

University Marketing and Communications will make the final determinations of what photos are included in the story.

Photos that are included the holiday story are subject to the guidelines below.

Guidelines and Recommendations

For questions or more information, contact the Newslink editor at 314-977-2519 or email Newslink.