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'Showers of Service' Registration Opens


Registration is now open for Showers of Service, the annual service day hosted by SLU’s chapter of Alpha Phi Omega (APO). Nearly 2,000 fellow students, staff, faculty, alumni, parents and community members come together for this campus-wide day of service each year.

Showers of Service

Students, faculty and staff members can take part in Alpha Phi Omega's annual "Showers of Service" day on Saturday, April 6. SLU photo

This year’s showers are set for Saturday, April 6. The day begins at 8:30 a.m. at Hermann Stadium. The day will begin with a kick off program. Service groups will then disperse throughout the St. Louis area for a meaningful day of service and community-building.

The registration form is due by the end of the day Friday, March 8, 2019. Doughnuts and coffee will be provided. T-shirts will also be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Last year, Showers of Service contributed hundreds of hours toward SLU’s bicentennial service challenge.

APO began hosting the showers event in 2002, and 300 people volunteered during its first year. The event has grown to include hundreds more SLU students, faculty and staff members and Billiken families.