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Undergraduate Writing Contest Accepting Entries


The Department of English is accepting submissions for the second annual Spaulding Awards for Undergraduate English Essays. The awards were established in honor of Abbott Spaulding, a graduate of the SLU English department who had a successful career as a medical doctor.

Undergraduate students who have written papers for any English course at the 2000, 3000, or 4000 level during either the fall 2018 or spring 2019 semester are invited to submit their essays for consideration for these awards.

First place ($150), second place ($100), and honorable mention ($75) awards will be given at each course level: 2000, 3000, and 4000.

Students do not need to be English majors or minors to submit essays for consideration.

A student may submit only one essay for this competition.

Essay submissions must be a minimum of five pages (1250 words) and up to a maximum length of 10 pages (2500 words), typed and double-spaced in 12-point type (excluding “Works Cited” pages).

Submissions must be made via email with “Spaulding Award Submission [Student Last Name]” in the subject line; the essay should be included as an attached Word document with the student’s last name and the ENGL course number in the document title. 

All submissions must be accompanied by an application form. Download the application form for this competition here.

Essays will be judged according to the English department’s rubric for literature courses. For more details about the department's expectations for student writing, see the English department rubric.

Essay submissions are due on Friday, March 29.

Award winners will be announced at the English Spring Celebration on Monday, April 29 from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Pere Marquette Gallery, DuBourg Hall.

For questions or more information, contact the official contest email account.