Panopto Lecture Capture Tool Implementation Complete
Information Technology Services (ITS) has announced the implementation of Panopto, SLU’s new lecture capture and video creation application, has been completed. Panopto replaces Tegrity, the University’s current lecture capture and video tool.
Panopto trainers will be on campus in August to conduct introductory and advanced training sessions on the use of Panopto. Click here to sign up.
ITS recommends that SLU community members discontinue using Tegrity for any future recordings. SLU users should switch to Panopto as soon as possible.
Tegrity will be decommissioned on Wednesday, July 31, and will no longer be available after that time.
All recordings on Tegrity that were made before March 2019 have been migrated successfully to Panopto and are available in your Tegrity Migration folder within Panopto. Tegrity recordings that have been created since March will also be migrated to Panopto, once Tegrity has been decommissioned in late July.
Panopto was selected through a University-wide evaluation process to replace Tegrity. Panopto became available to users on March 18.
For more detailed information about Panopto, including links to training videos and installation instructions, click here.
For questions or more information, contact the ITS at 314-977-4000 or