Confidential Faculty/Staff Feedback Survey Opens Dec. 10
Faculty and staff at Saint Louis University are being encouraged to participate in a brief feedback survey.
All full- and part-time faculty and staff will be emailed a link to the survey from on Thursday, Dec. 10. The deadline to complete the 2020 Feedback Survey was extended to Friday, Jan. 8.
Taking about 5 minutes to complete, the survey asks questions about working through the COVID-19 pandemic, the University’s workplace culture, and perceptions about diversity, equity and inclusion at SLU.
The University has once again engaged Willis Towers Watson, an independent firm and a global leader in management consulting, to administer this survey.
Participation in the survey is completely confidential. Willis Towers Watson will remove identifying information before survey responses are shared with SLU. Summaries will only be created for groups with five or more participants.
Results will be shared with the entire SLU community in February. Survey results will help pinpoint specific actions to advance the University.