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2021 Internal Awards Competitions Now Open


The Office of the Vice President for Research, in coordination with SLU’s Research Councils, has several internal award programs to foster research and scholarly activities, increase potential for external support, and promote Saint Louis University’s excellence as a research institution. Four project-based funding programs are now open for applications until Jan. 15, 2021.

All of these awards are peer-reviewed. You can find more information about these awards, links to their respective Requests for Proposals, and instructions for how to submit an application here.

The Applied Health Sciences Research Grant Program is intended to encourage collaborative groups of interdisciplinary researchers across at least two or more academic units, with a particular emphasis on new working relationships. Applications must focus on health sciences and should include a tentative plan for a future external grant and clearly describe how the seed funding will be used to support the future grant application.

The Beaumont Scholarship Research Award is designed to support projects in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Funding will enable researchers working in these areas to advance or complete ongoing scholarly research projects, as well as conceptualize and prepare applications for external funding opportunities.

The President’s Research Fund and the School of Medicine President’s Research Fund are separate competitions for medical school and non-medical school faculty researchers. In both cases, this award is intended to support promising projects that have strong potential for external funding. Funds will support the collection of data and pilot studies that the researcher plans to use as the basis for an extramural grant or contract applications. These funds can also be used as seed funding for a project, bridge funding, or development of a new collaboration or area of research.