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CME Credits Available for California Brain Mapping, Therapeutics Conference


The University’s Continuing Medical Education Program (CME) is offering American Medical Association (AMA) credits for attendance at the 17th Annual World Congress of Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics will be held in Los Angeles from Friday, March 20, to Sunday, March 22, and its “Breaking Boundaries of Science, Technology, Medicine, Art & Healthcare Policy.”

The SLU CME Program is providing AMA credits for tracks related to Alzheimer's disease, neuro-oncology and military medicine.

With more than 500 speakers, the work was split between SLU and Johns Hopkins University.

Tobias Mattei, M.D., assistant professor of neurosurgery referred the opportunity to the program and has worked on it.

For questions, more information or to register, click here.

Submitted by Tammi Mooshegian.