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University Marketing, Communications Efforts Win Awards


Saint Louis University's Divisions of Marketing and Communications and Development won 16 awards from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) District VI for their staff members’ work advancing the University’s mission through communications and marketing efforts.

The 2020 CASE Awards included an Honorable Mention in the contest’s Platinum Awards division and three Gold Awards.

SLU’s honors included nods for its social media campaigns, for traditional advertising projects including billboards and for multiple design, writing, and publication projects.

The University competes against a range of colleges and universities including Colorado State University, the University of Kansas, the University of Missouri-St. Louis and other schools.

2020 CASE Awards

Writing and Communications


Social Media

Marketing and Advertising

Admission and Recruitment

The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) supports alumni relations, communications, development, and marketing professionals at educational institutions worldwide. The association provides networking, recognition, and continuing education for more than 64,000 advancement professionals at more than 3,400 colleges, universities, and independent elementary and secondary schools in more than 70 countries.