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Many Ways to Journey: A Guide to Lent at SLU


The season of Lent is a time of reflection and a chance to better understand the ways our actions influence not only ourselves and the world around us, but also how they bring us closer or push us away from God.

A female student with dark hair receives ashes on her forehead from a priest in a purple alb at an Ash Wednesday Mass celebrated at the School of Law's Scott Hall at Saint Louis University.

A student receives ashes on her forehead at a Mass celebrating Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent at the School of Law. SLU photo

As Saint Louis University marks the beginning of the Lenten season, there are multiple ways for Billikens to journey through the season.

Reflect as a Community

The Office of Mission and Identity is offering a Short Guided Retreat during the six weeks of Lent. Participants will meet weekly with a spiritual director, and will learn about Ignatian spirituality, prayer and spiritual direction using St. Ignatius of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises as a guide.

Begin Your Retreat

Journey Personally

The Department of Campus Ministry will offer SLU community members a chance to reflect daily through its Lenten Reflection Series, "Fast and Feast." Through images shared via Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, SLU students, faculty and staff members can mark their Lenten journeys with daily mantras and reflection pauses that offer an opportunity to consider the season’s themes and meaning individually.

Learn more in the Wednesday, Feb. 26 edition of Newslink.

Come Together in Fellowship

The University community will come together to celebrate the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday with Masses throughout the day. The liturgies mark the start of a season of renewal and time to strengthen one’s relationships with God in an intentional way through fellowship, prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

Find a Mass to Attend

As Catholics are called to abstain from eating meat on Fridays during the Lenten season, Doisy College of Health Sciences will host its inaugural Fish Fry on Friday, March 20.

The fish fry is a chance to gather in fellowship with your fellow staff, students and faculty members while helping the college’s Cura Scholarship Fund, which assists students experiencing unexpected financial hardships.

Make a Fish Fry Date