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Abstracts Sought for Sigma Xi Research Symposium


The SLU Sigma Xi Research Symposium is accepting abstract submissions for the symposium, which will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. on Friday, April 17, in the Center for Global Citizenship.

Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to submit an abstract.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

The following information is required:

Submit an Abstract

About the Symposium

Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society is an honor society and was founded in 1886. The Society has more than 500 chapters in the world. The SLU chapter was founded in 1944. Individuals who have presented or published their work, including participants in our research symposium are eligible for membership.

Those interested in becoming members, should contact SLU’s chapter. For more information regarding the Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society, visit the society.

Submitted by Dana Baum, Ph.D., president; Lisa Willoughby, Ph.D., treasurer; Tanyathorn Hauwadhanasuk, secretary.