New SLU Special Olympics Swim Meet Seeks Volunteers
The Cross Cultural Center is proud to partner with the Southeast Missouri Division of the Special Olympics to introduce the First Annual Saint Louis University Special Olympics Swim Meet and Wellness Fair.
The new event, set for Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Simon Recreation Center, is also seeking student, faculty and staff volunteers.
The swim meet will be paired with a health and wellness fair in the Rec Center’s multipurpose room, and will feature fun and informative booths about healthy living within differently-abled communities.
Want to Help?
- Volunteers can sign up as groups to cheer on the swim meet’s participants as part of the Cheer Squad.
- Volunteers are also needed to serve as racing assistants, awards and medals committee members and as announcers.
- Those who volunteer will receive a free Mardi Gras-themed T-shirt.