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Professional Notes: End-of-Academic-Year Edition


A round-up of awards, presentations, papers and the other professional achievements of SLU students.


Conferences and Presentations

The Micah Program's Zoom Urban Poverty Conference

The Micah Program's 2020 Zoom Urban Poverty Conference. Submitted photos

On May 5, 2020, 24 students presented their capstone research for the Urban Poverty Studies minor in the Micah Program's 2020 Student Urban Poverty Conference.

Student presentations represented four areas of concentration. Three areas were under Cycles of Exclusion, including Challenges to Equity, Environmental Injustice, Houselessness. The other two areas were Healthcare – Challenges to Well-Being and Nutrition, and Immigration and Globalization.

Cycles of Exclusion – Challenges to Equity

Cycles of Exclusion – Environmental Injustice

Cycles of Exclusion – Houselessness

Healthcare – Challenges to Well-Being and Nutrition

Immigration and Globalization

Awards, Scholarships and Fellowships

Kate Perko, a senior in the Athletic Training Program in the Doisy College of Health Sciences, was recently awarded a 2020 NATA Research & Education Foundation Memorial Scholarship by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) Research and Education Foundation. 

Perko went on to also receive a graduate scholarship from the Mid-America Athletic Trainers’ Association (MAATA). These two scholarships will help support Perko’s graduate education in the Athletic Training Program as she works towards her Master of Athletic Training degree.

Two doctoral candidates in the Department of American Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences, Manuela Engstler and Michael Brickey, received competitively awarded Summer Research Fellowships from the Divided City initiative at Washington University.

Engstler’s project is “Translating a Revolution: Black and White Panthers and the German Student Movement,” and Brickey’s project is “Disconnected and Disaffected: Energy Insecurity and the Struggle for Climate Justice in St. Louis, Missouri.”

Sarah Sawicki, a doctoral student in the Albert Gnaegi Center for Health Care Ethics has been selected by the University to participate in the National Humanities Center's 2020 Virtual Graduate Student Summer Residency Program.

Continuing Research

Graduating senior Brandon T.M. Hughes, pictured at the 2019 Annual Biomedical Research Conference in Anaheim, California, looks forward to beginning his journey as a doctoral student at SLU this fall. Photo by Jamie D. Motley Ph.D.
Graduating senior Brandon T.M. Hughes, pictured at the 2019 Annual Biomedical Research Conference in Anaheim, California, looks forward to beginning his journey as a doctoral student at SLU this fall. Photo by Jamie D. Motley, Ph.D.

Brandon T.M. Hughes, a senior at Saint Louis University and participant in the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program, will continue his research in SLU’s doctoral program in experimental psychology, with a concentration in Social Psychology, for Fall 2020. Currently an industrial and organizational psychology major, Hughes will graduate this May with a Bachelor of Arts degree.

His faculty mentor is Richard D. Harvey, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology.

Hughes has participated actively in the McNair Scholars Program (SLU McNair) since the spring of 2018 and was one of four scholars in the program that traveled to Anaheim, California, in 2019 for the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students. There, he presented a poster of his McNair research project, "Can’t Fix What You Can’t See: Perceptions of the Video Game Industry and Community."

He was approached by multiple graduate school recruiters, but decided to continue his educational journey at SLU, where he has also thrived as a resident advisor and student assistant.

For  straight year, the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program achieved a 100% internship match rate. The internship is the final training requirement for conferral of the doctoral degree. Students Dazialee Goodwin, Alexandra Grant, Kristen Haeberlein, Katherine Kelton, Drew McGrath and Jeff Shulze all matched with internships.


A team of students from the College of Public Health and Social Justice was chosen to compete with the “Top 8” teams from across the country at the Cleveland Clinic's annual Case Study Competition.

In light of the COVID-19 emergence, this year’s case competition will be hosted virtually from April 9 to 10. As one of eight teams invited to participate, the SLU team comprised of Clare Tang (MHA), Allyssa Stevens (MHA), Edward Ignaczak (MPH), and Grant Optican (MHA) were given the opportunity to present their case solution to Cleveland Clinic executives.

Each year, Cleveland Clinic hosts the “Into Cleveland Clinic Case Competition.” The Cleveland Clinic Case Competition is designed to offer graduate level students in health administration the opportunity to apply their coursework to a real-world situation and develop recommendations to a team of executives at an internationally recognized health system.

Participants are given a weekend to develop recommendations to be reviewed by a team of Cleveland Clinic physicians and administrators.

Hundreds of teams from the top masters programs across the country are invited to participate in the event.


William Critchley-Menor, S.J., an American Studies and philosophy major, published an article in America, “The Catholic Sisters Who Confronted Their Own Legacy of Racism.”

Sophomore Casey Nichols, a biomedical engineering major in Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology, wrote an opinion piece that was published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The piece was a project for her Honors "Intro to Sociology" course.

Professional Notes will be on hiatus as the summer begins. A Professional Notes: Faculty and Staff feature will be published the week of May 18. Watch Newslink later this summer for more on the feature's return for the new academic year. For questions or more information, contact Newslink.