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Zoom to Require Use of Waiting Room Feature or Passcode by Sept. 27


Starting on Sunday, Sept. 27, Zoom will require that all meetings must use either the Waiting Room feature or require a passcode.

A passcode serves the same function as a password. If your current meetings use the passcode or Waiting Room function, no action is needed.

If you have a reoccurring class or meeting scheduled after Sept. 27 that does not have a waiting room or passcode enabled, a waiting room will be added to all occurrences scheduled after Sept. 27.

If you would rather not use the waiting room feature, you can edit the reoccurring meeting to have a passcode within your Zoom account. Once the passcode is assigned you will need to share the new meeting URL link with your participants.

For faculty, this may mean updating links in Blackboard or Canvas. Beginning on Sept. 27, any meeting you schedule will require you to set a passcode or enable the waiting room feature.

Additional Resources

Reach out to Lucas Guffey at with any questions or concerns.