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Professional Notes: April 2021


A round-up of awards, presentations, papers and the other professional achievements of SLU faculty, staff members and students.

Faculty and Staff


Anthony Breitbach, Ph.D., (Physical Therapy and Athletic Training) and Gert Ulrich, Dr. Phil, of the Careum Foundation of Zurich, Switzerland, virtually presented their research "Interprofessional collaboration among sports science and sports medicine professionals – an international cross-sectional survey" at the Sports, Medicine and Health Summit 2021 in Hamburg, Germany on April 24.

Olu Owoeye, Ph.D. (Physical Therapy and Athletic Training) presented at the 5th Annual Injury Prevention Symposium Virtual Conference organized by the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee and the Steadman Philippon Research Institute. The title of the invited talk was "Real World": Promoting the Translation of Evidence into Practice and Policy.  Owoeye also published a systematic review in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine in collaboration with the Sport Injury Prevention Research Center, AB, Canada. The review was titled: Adiposity as a Risk Factor for Sport Injury in Youth: A Systematic Review.


Amanda L. Izzo, Ph.D., (Women’s and Gender Studies) published “‘To Help Them Brush Aside the Limitations that Hold Them Back’: Ruth Porter, Liberal Interracialism, and St. Louis Community Organizing in the Civil Rights Era,” Missouri Historical Review, Vol. 115, No. 3 (April 2021): 201-225.

Morgan L.W. Hazelton, Ph.D., (Political Science) published "Judicial Impact and Factual Allegations: How the Supreme Court Changed Civil Procedure through the Plausibility Standard," in the Journal of Law and Courts.

SLU Pediatrics resident Julio C. Ramirez, M.D., had a narrative medicine article published in the Journal of Patient Experience.


Muhsin Al-Ramli, a professor at Saint Louis University’s Madrid campus, has been highlighted as one of the exceptional Arab-Spanish voices in Spain by the Spanish Embassy in the U.S. for the Arab American Heritage Month.

Terry Moore, M.D. (Internal Medicine - Arthritis and Rheumatology) was the recipient of the inaugural Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA) Outstanding Service Award. As the Chair of CARRA's Scientific Review Committee (SRC), Moore has helped award more than $3 million in funding to CARRA researchers.

Interviews, OP-EDS and Media Appearances

Tobias Winright, Ph.D., (Health Care Ethics and Theological Studies) published an invited opinion article on police shootings and gun violence for the National Catholic Reporter



Tandra Taylor and Cindy Reed, both Ph.D. candidates in American Studies, spoke as part of an April 2021 public panel titled “Perspectives from East St. Louis,” hosted by the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Center at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville. The panel addressed “negative misconceptions about the city” as well as initiatives in “strategic planning, economic equity, and community partnership” in East St. Louis.


Mary Maxfield, a Ph.D. candidate in American Studies, published an essay titled “The Bridge” in the recently released anthology Sweeter Voices Still: An LGBTQ Anthology from Middle America, edited by Ryan Schuessler and Kevin Whiteneir Jr. (Cleveland: Belt Publishing, 2021). 

Community Outreach

MHA student Olivia Page is launching an American Society for Quality (ASQ) student branch.

Elected Office

Bill Stephens (Arts & Sciences) was elected to the St. Louis Board of Aldermen. Stephens will represent the 12th ward. 


Elizabeth Eikmann, a Ph.D. candidate in American Studies, received a competitively awarded, two-year Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Study of Saint Louis and the American Story. Awarded by Washington University in St. Louis’s American Culture Studies Program, the fellowship will allow Eikmann to continue her work on turn-of-the-century women’s photography in St. Louis and its role in gender and racial formation in the region.

Graduate student Marco Ramirez (Arts & Sciences) received a LAGRANT Foundation Scholarship. In celebration of its 23rd Anniversary, The LAGRANT Foundation (TLF) awarded a total of $175,000 in scholarships to 60 ethnically diverse college & university students across the nation, an increase from TLF’s traditional 50 scholarship awards totaling $150,000.

Jordan Mason, a Ph.D. candidate in Health Care Ethics has been awarded a FASPE Seminary fellowship for 2021. FASPE is an intensive, two-week study program in professional ethics and ethical leadership in Berlin and Poland, designed to challenge Fellows to critically examine constructs, current developments and issues that raise ethical concerns in their professions in contemporary settings in which they work. FASPE Seminary challenges its Fellows to recognize their responsibility to exercise ethical leadership in theology and ministry. Each year, FASPE Seminary awards fellowships to individuals pursuing, or recent graduates of, graduate-level religious training at divinity schools, seminaries, chaplaincy programs or other related institutions.