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Geospatial Innovation Challenge Webinar Scheduled


The Department of Innovation and SLU ITS, in partnership with the Geospatial Institute, held its second annual Innovative Technology Challenge to advance accessible geospatial innovation and foster creative ideas.

The focus of this year’s challenge was the innovative application of open-source geospatial tools or open data to address a real-world problem. Unlike proprietary products, open-source content is available to everyone to use, study, change, and distribute for any purpose.

This year’s project topics include:

Selected challenge teams will present the culmination of their projects on Friday, May 7, from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Registration is needed in advance.

For questions – contact Eddie Ignaczak at

The 2020 challenge focused on applications of Geospatial Technology and Geospatial Information Systems (GIS). SLU recently founded the Geospatial Institute to accelerate research, training, and innovation in geospatial science and technology.

Saint Louis University has been at the center of the nation’s geospatial enterprise since the Corps of Discovery returned to St. Louis with maps of the Louisiana territory in 1806. More than 200 years later, the Geospatial Institute at Saint Louis University continues to expand the frontier of geospatial science and technology.