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Disability Services Changes Name to Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources


Recently, Disability Services released a developed survey to the SLU community, asking for feedback on a departmental name change. After receiving numerous responses, Disability Services has decided on the new title of Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources (CADR).

Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources (CADR) was chosen based on the survey feedback received, and through extensive conversation with campus stakeholders and students. The survey demonstrated overwhelming support of the words "accessibility" and "resources". Additionally, several respondents felt that the word "disability" should remain in the title to provide a clear representation of the population that is being served.

CADR strives to encompass all aspects of how members of SLU view disability, from those who identify with disability openly, to those who feel stigmatized for fearful of the identity. With this new title, CADR provides an advocacy driven, non-stigmatizing environment for students to access accommodations, resources, and the various tools that are needed to learn at SLU. CADR also serves as a resource for faculty and staff, encouraging accessibility and universal design campus wide.

In addition to the name change, significant adjustments are being made to CADR's website. When the changes are complete, the website will include resources for students, faculty, teaching assistants, staff, and parents. The available resources will promote education related to disability, universal design, public policy related to disability, etc.

Finally, beginning Monday, Aug. 16, CADR's new email address will be activated. At that time, CADR staff can be reached at