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Friday Speaker Series Kicks Off September 3


The Office of Mission and Identity will be hosting a Friday Speaker Series this fall beginning on Sept. 3 at noon with a Zoom meeting. 

The Society of Jesus is celebrating the 500th anniversary of St. Ignatius’ conversion with a year long celebration of the "Ignatian Year." The Friday Speaker Series this fall will focus on the Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus.  How are we as a university and as individuals living the mission that has been passed on to us? 

First up in the Speaker Series is Terri Rebmann, Ph.D, Director of the Institute for Biosecurity, and Professor of Epidemiology and Special Assistant to the President on SLU's Covid response.  Dr. Rebmann will speak on the Apostolic Preference, "Collaborate in the Care of our Common Home." There will be a time for questions and discussion. Registration can be done in advance

The message from Fr. General Arturo Sosa, S.J. directs the year to be guided by The Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus.  The speaker series will look at the ways we live the Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), and help us reflect on our own conversion. 

“The whole year will be guided by the Universal Apostolic Preferences which, as you know, were announced in 2019 and continue until 2029," Sosa said.  "We know that assimilating them means conversion for each one of us, for our communities , our institutions and our apostolic works.  We ask for the grace of a real change in our day to day life-mission. 

"At this moment, I am especially addressing our companions in the mission: the lay people, religious and those who, from other beliefs or human convictions, participate in the same struggle. We hope, during the Ignatian year, to share more deeply with you the mission of reconciling all things in Christ. Many of you feel a deep commitment to that grace and I thank each of you for your enthusiasm and closeness. We want to take advantage of the Ignatian year to accompany more closely the work that the Holy Spirit is doing in each one of you so that you can feel that call more deeply.”