Research Subjects Needed for Study
Research volunteers are needed to evaluate the effect of exercise on laboratory tests for individuals with sickle cell trait. To qualify you must have sickle cell trait (SCT), be between 18 and 70 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds, and not be pregnant.
The research team will interview those who respond to the advertisement by a virtual mechanism to determine if you qualify for the study (Virtual Visit No. 1). Those who qualify will be scheduled for two visits to the research laboratory at Saint Louis University.
During the second visit, researchers will collect 2 tablespoons of blood and a urine sample both before and after a modest exercise session
On the third visit, researchers will collect 2 tablespoons of blood and a urine sample approximately 24 hours after the second visit.
If interested, or to obtain more information, contact Tim R. Randolph, Ph.D. at (314) 977-8688 or Email is preferred.