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Billiken Bounty Seeks to Reassess Food Insecurity on Campus


Billiken Bounty is seeking to reassess the Saint Louis University student needs in order to better inform the accessible resources on campus. 

Billiken Bounty is a safe place for SLU students to obtain groceries, hygiene and self-care products. Shoppers don’t have to demonstrate need and can come and go anonymously because food insecurity can be momentary or long-term. All that is required to access Billiken Bounty is a SLU photo ID.

Student co-chairs Emma Hubbard and Sierra Morena have created a survey for SLU students, based upon the USDA Assessment on Household Food Security, which will be used to gather data about food insecurity on SLU’s campus.

Take the survey

In fall of 2020, the food pantry filled more than 100 client orders and distributed 2,300 pantry items. Billiken Bounty also saw increased usage by graduate students compared to previous semesters.